Recognize the Song?
(Let me tell you why you do)
It astounds me how blithely a politician can ignore other peoples' efforts, and successes, and then attach their work to his own resume', as if they had never existed. John Hall, ignoring years of stringent NRC inspections of Indian Point, now regales his followers (and the news media) with what, pray tell? He proposes that NRC must inspect Indian Point, saying it is "crucial". Come again honorable congressperson?
Has not NRC been inspecting the self-same Indian Point for 35 years, telling you & me that it was safe enough? What part of "Safe Enough" is it that you misunderstand? The American national repository of safety expertise in the nuclear field--the NRC , repeatedly gave Indian Point suggestions on how to clean up their act, even shutting them down for 2 years in the 1990's to learn how to run safely. Indian Point complied, and NRC told them "OK , you are once again safe enough".
This is an ongoing work, with the needs of the American public in mind, making nuclear plants safer, chiding them, fining them, learning all their secrets, and John Hall had nothing to do with it. NRC is quite capable of finding out just what is right, or wrong about Indian Point, minus any piggy-back grandstanding by ex rock musicians with an old anti-nuke concert axe to grind.
Tell us, John, just how will your bill for one additional inspection change the ongoing process, 35 years on, that has been made up of several hundred inspections to date? Will your bill give new eyes to the NRC inspectors? New hands? New science, new intelligence? Have they not had their intelligence, their science, and their dedication all along? What an insult your bill is, to all the expert people of good will who have been actually doing the work that you now propose, as if new, as if every single victory they crafted in their careers, is nothing but a PR opportunity, for a newbie congressperson, only because the one time your name is on it, somehow this one last time, its gonna be the big one, the right one, the crucial one, the indispensable one, the one that America demands or else?
Maybe to journalists this is true. NRC just doing the real work, week after week, for decades, is not news. Indian Point, making our lives comfortable and safe, month after month, for decades, seems to be no story at all. But somehow, when 3 Democrats meet at a frozen kayak club, and say "We will force NRC to inspect Indian Point", somehow, this rises to the level of a mall shooting, or a celebrity divorce, and now all of us are told how "crucial" the activity is.
Well, yes. It is crucial. So crucial in fact, that NRC has dedicated itself to it for 30 years, and will continue doing it long after Mr. Hall returns to songwriting.
But this week, all that work is not theirs. Their part in it doesn't count, can't be believed, and is no news. This week all that work is suddenly John Hall's claim to fame. They say that 95% of new songs are somebody else's song, rewritten a little, and offererd up as new work. I say Mr. Hall is just lip-synching NRC's tune, and calling it "Dance With Me". It's not Hall's song, It's not Hall's life's work, it's NRC's work, and he has simply plagiarized it, and added his own sour notes, I might add.
Meanwhile kayaks or no kayaks, over at NRC, the long slow original song plays on.... ensuring that we are all safe, that Entergy toes the line, and that we have the electricity we need , also. That kind of harmony, blending reality, public safety, and public needs, is perhaps too sophisticated a symphony for Hall to comprehend. Perhaps novice music student Hall should book a few lessons with the concertmasters--- NRC.
Or perhaps a dozen anti-nuke Dr Jabberwockies would be best to do the job, misunderstanding 100% of what they see, full of hate and paranoia, deciding just how much electricity you and I , and our children may utilize, for the next 30 years? Perhaps we could all just camp out together, until 2040?